Thursday 3 July 2014

New members

A slight change of menu tonight as Sue and I stepped up to the mark to try and direct the chorus! It's not as easy as you think you know, especially when a whole bunch of women are intent on talking instead of singing! Good work, Sue ,in directing - your face is so expressive when you direct, that we are all 'in the moment' and I really like the flowing arm movements which made us sing smoothly.

But we covered a lot of ground in terms of warm up, singing technique and the singing of repertoire songs including the lastest additions: If I Had My Way and Don't Rain On My Parade which are shaping up nicely (but the less said about the final key change the better!). It made me realise what a very complicated and difficult task it is to be an MD!

We welcomed two potential new members to the flock: Adele (yes THE Adele!) and Cheryl who both have fabulous voices and can sing anything, so I hope they will come back next week to experience the full Proud treatment and join our happy band!

Lots of things are coming up, most immediately is the performance in Page Park on 12th July. Our 'slot' is from 12:00 - 12:30 and so I hope as many people as possible can make it. It's part of the 'Our Big Gig' event (formerly known as Bandstand Grandstand) and so it should attract some musical types that might just want to sing in a ladies barbershop chorus. You never know? Also, our very own High Tea quartet are performing with Bath Gospel Choir in Wick on the same day! What a brilliant evening of singing that is going to be?

Our recruitment drive is gearing up a notch with many more areas being covered and Mary doing some great and clever things with her use of Internet and search buttons! They'll be queuing up to join us soon!

The craft and therapy event on the 13th September looks like it IS a goer so we'll drop the details tithe website and generate the sing out sheet for people to sign. I kind of like the connection between singing and therapy so it will be interesting to see what type of reaction we get.

Of course that means we've gt to get going with making stuff to sell!
Chairman's Blog